Happy Christmas! Beatriz Ball introduces its first festive season collection, “Happy Christmas,” a collaboration with noted American illustrator, Jennifer Orkin Lewis, working under the name August Wren. The artist contributed bright and happy watercolor depictions of wintery greens, birds and other animals to the collection reproduced on vinyl placemats, cork-backed coasters and melamine snack plates. Each sold in sets of four, the packaging includes festive and colorful ribbons and label all designed by August Wren. The VIDA Happy Christmas Reversible 16" Round Placemats will give any table an instant Holiday makeover with their festive colors and happy symbols of wintertime. Sold in sets of four, the placemats include four distinct Holiday designs on one side and a textured red on the other. A charmingly chic Holiday look with the durability and carefree quality you'll love. Generously sized at 16" for a handsome look on your table. Pair them with any Beatriz Ball Happy Christmas items or VIDA Bamboo dinnerware for a great look. Easy care, wash with soap and water. Made of eco-friendly, high quality, environmentally safe PVC